1. Baroness "Blue Record"
2. Kylesa "Static Tensions"
3. Converge "Axe to Fall"
4. Mastodon "Crack the Skye"
5. Napalm Death "Time Waits for No Slave"
6. Struck by Lightning "Serpents"
Honorable Mention a.k.a. Albums That Could Easily Sneak Into the List, Depending on What Day You Ask Me (no particular order):
Slayer "World Painted Blood"
Cobalt "Gin"
Revocation "Existence is Futile"
Goatwhore "Carving Out the Eyes of God"
The Red Chord "Fed Through the Teeth Machine"
Keelhaul "Keelhaul's Triumphant Return to Obscurity"
Burnt By the Sun "Heart of Darkness"
Skeletonwitch "Breathing the Fire"
Doomriders "Darkness Come Alive"
Coalesce "Ox"
Album That I Got Around to in 2009 That Would Pretty Much Destroy a Good Number of the Above, but it Came Out in 2008, So Said Albums Listed Above Lucked the Fuck Out
Trap Them "Seizures in Barren Praise"
Classic Band Not Named Judas Priest or Iron Maiden That I Listened to a ShitTon of in 2009
Thin Lizzy
Favorite Live Shows of 2009
1. Dethklok/Mastodon/Converge/High on Fire at the Aragon Brawlroom
2. Judas Priest at Northerly Island
3. Baroness at Reggie's on Black Wednesday
4. Keelhaul at Beat Kitchen
5. Gojira at Logan Square in May
6. Metallica with Machine Head and The Sword at Allstate Arena